Monday 20 March 2017

SOME SEDUCTIVE TOOLS USED BY SATAN.....#poem#inspirational#musicians#youth#God#love

Lustful Desires:
But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Matt. 5:28.

Pornographic films/magazines:
Evil communication corrupts good manners. One can easily and can badly be influenced by pornographic films/magazines.

Exposing sensitive body parts can be a lot tempting: 2 Sam 11:1-4;

How to Avoid Being Trapped by the These Tools

- Avoid ungodly locations/venues/events: Gen 34:1-2

- Destroy the spirit of lust through prayers.

- Spend your money on godly dresses.

- Resist the devil: Gen 39:11-12

- Avoid extra marital affairs.

Do you know information is power?.....

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