Wednesday 8 March 2017

GODLY MEN WHO POSSESS FILTHY MOUTH #inspirational#men#women#musicians#poem#FOGMMON

Are you aware that the ability to control one’s mouth is a key factor in growing and maintaining a good life. 

Proper worship and a good lifestyle acceptable to God demands that our words be few always.  A wise man listens more, and speaks less.

On several occasions we consciously or unconsciously speak filthy and irrelevant words, and with the same mouth we call on God (in prayers). Practical examples of how we speak filthy words are when we rain abuses on fellow human especially when driving on the road in this part of the world and you consciously or unconsciously say filthy words like “you are mad”, “idiot”, “stupid man/woman”.  Sometimes, we even say these filthy words when driving to our places of prayer. 

Contrarily, we now see this as a lifestyle in the land, but it is wise to realize on time that this lifestyle is not godly.  Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak….”  James 1:19. 

Always think before you speak and let your words be few, be you a priest or the ordinary man/woman in the street, we are all godly men.

May God help us.

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