Wednesday 21 June 2017

There are people in the music ministry who are not so popular, not seen on every flyers & billboards yet they are making serious impact & touching lives.

Every artiste must not & will never blow no matter the amount of promo or hype.

Just find your place of purpose & value.
It might be in your local church, community, city, region & certain people, yet you are busy looking outside & envying other artiste & churches. Today apostolic, tomorrow Mount Zion & next tomorrow Catholic. You only see how Christ Embassy produces all top artiste in the country yet you can not see your place of value, Fulfillment & purpose. #bestable

You are busy abusing, insulting & blaming your church & pastors for not promoting & supporting you yet you don't have what they can boldly support & promote, you don't have stability & respect. You dont have direction of where you are going & what you really want to do.

My dear music ministry is not abt packaging, stop packaging what you don't have inside, for you to sing already established & popular songs does not make you a good singer or show what you get.

You only copy to become & what happen when those music fades out or find urslf at where the original owners of the songs are? I have attended a concert with a major artist & he said to me, sir this boys don sing every popular songs finish ooo, chei wetin I go sing again. Imagine .

Music ministry is not about wearing jump suit, starch shirts with rose, for the ladies it's not Abt make up, big rose on ur dress, it's not Abt somebody lift up ur hands, let's worship, let's worship.

There is a sacrifies, hard work, seed sowing, followership, Mentorship, learning, practise, humility, loyalty, strategic planning, spirituality, prayers, Target & execution.
//// Feel free to share till it get to the world.
Feel free to publish it.

Son of a preacher.

Wednesday 7 June 2017

Alpha & Omega Worship Medley Audio by LeeZee OkeZie

Friday 2 June 2017

Celebrate Jesus by LeeZee OkeZie

Saturday 27 May 2017



1: Warn your Girl Child Never to sit on anyone's laps no matter the situation including uncles.

2: Avoid Getting Dressed in front of your child once he/she is 2 years old. Learn to excuse them or yourself.

3. Never allow any adult refer to your child as 'my wife' or 'my husband'

4. Whenever your child goes out to play with friends make sure you look for a way to find out what kind of play they do, because young people now sexually abuse themselves.

5. Never force your child to visit any adult he or she is not comfortable with and also be observant if your child becomes too fond of a particular adult.

6. Once a very lively child suddenly becomes withdrawn you may need to patiently ask lots of questions from your child.

7. Carefully educate your grown ups about the right values of sex . If you don't, the society will teach them the wrong values.

8: It is always advisable you go through any new Material like cartoons you just bought for them before they start seeing it (sex clips) themselves.

9. Ensure you activate parental controls on your cable networks and advice your friends especially those your child(ren) visit(s) often.

10. Teach your 3 year olds how to wash their private parts properly and warn them never to allow anyone touch those areas and that includes you (remember, charity begins from home and with you).

11: Blacklist some materials/associates you think could threaten the sanity of your child (this includes music, movies and even friends and families).

12. Let your child(ren) understand the value of standing out of the crowd.

13: Once your child complains about a particular person, don't keep quiet about it. Take up the case and show them you can defend them.

Remember, we are either parents or parents-to-be and remember. What you teach your child(ren) also teach other children.

When Somebody Says I Hate You, What Will Be Your Reaction


6 years ago a guy looked at me face to face, and boldly told me; "I don't like you!"

I immediately fired a response, I asked him that day; "Thank you for the honest feedback, but those you like, how has it made their life better? How does your liking people pay their bills or take a bank loan? My brother keep your like, I need God's like and that's what guarantees my future.

Today I joined a CEO friend of mine in an interview Panel to recruit some new staff, it was a long session, as we returned from a tea break to continue the hectic interview session, here was this same guy, walked in with his grey jacket and CV coming for the interview.

Our eyes kissed by fluke, we immediately recognised each other; "the world is indeed spherical", I soliloquized.

He felt very uncomfortable through out the interview, one could clearly see the volcanic eruption ongoing in his whole nervous system, he even mistook his date of birth for his last date of employment. It wasn't yet my turn to ask him questions so I allowed everyone to take their turns with him and deliberately opted to interview him last.

When it got to my turn, the first thing I said was, "I LIKE YOU so much, you look to me like a brilliant and intelligent person, but it seems you are not doing well now because something bothers you, true?"

"That's very correct Sir!" He responded.

"Ok look at me straight in the eye, I was never offended that day, it is very normal that sometimes as humans you just don't like certain people, but I wasn't bothered either, because whether you liked me or not, it was inconsequential to my life and my success path - as you can see, fate has brought you to my lair"

I stood up and beckoned him to come and embrace me, everyone on the panel at this point were at sea - wondering if we had expeditiously recast an interview session to a Hollywood movie scene.

He hugged me so long and deeply that I felt it. Then I told him, "now get your confidence back bro and answer the questions like a Pro Shark that you are, we all burst into laughter, everyone suddenly liked him and the room became livelier - the interview became more like a discussion, well to cut the long story short, he got the job!


1. Be careful how you treat people when they appear to be in their vulnerable state, your next level may be hanging in their balance;  somewhere in the future.

2. If you dislike someone, it is not their fault, it is YOUR FAULT, work on yourself to find good in people and reinvent your Mind to see everyone as likeable.

3. Don't spew hatred vocally just because it came into your heart, you may say it to someone who will keep it forever and use it against you when you find yourself in your own low moments and need them.

4. Learn to forgive, overlook people's dislike and hatred for you, don't punish people just because you have the position and privilege to do so, bless them rather - that's how you court God's blessings, favour and protection.

Please share so others can learn.

Friday 19 May 2017

As a Wife, Your BEAUTY attracts your husband, but your
WISDOM will continue to keep him! Your ELEGANCE catches his
ATTENTION, but your INTELLIGENCE convinces him!
NAGGING irritates your husband, but your "Constructive
Silence" weakens him! Remember that the "boyish" character in
your husband comes out occasionally, But your ability to always
handle it, is a sign that you are a MATURED WIFE!
Every man has "Secret Struggles and Pains, including your
husband, if you should ever find them out from him, Please
exhibit the greatest maturity by asking the Originator of your
marriage, (GOD) to help you with USEFUL IDEAS, that you will
suggest to him (your husband)! In the long-run, your WORDS
matters to your husband than your "LOOKS"! So always invest
the RIGHT WORDS! Earn your husband's respect and he will
consider you as the yard-stick for all his actions!
Learn to mould your husband's moods, and he will naturally
give you his "FUTURE" as he recalls your maturity in the past
issues! Note that, WOMEN are everywhere, but REAL WIVES are
scarce, let the QUEEN in you come alive, and your husband will
always hold you in a very HIGH ESTEEM!

Thanks for reading!

Thursday 4 May 2017



At A Time When The Church Has Become A Ground For Entertainment.
*We Need Revival.*

At A time When A Music Minister Competes And Compares Himself With Secular Musician:
*We Need Revival.*

At A Time When The Altar Of God Is Used For Comedy:
*We Need Revival.*

At A Time When A Successful Minister Of The Gospel Is Measured By How Financially Rich He Is; And Not How Much Impact He Is Making:
*We Need Revival.*

At A Time, When Passion For Souls Have Been Replaced With Fashion Parade In The Church:
*We Need Revival.*

At A Time When Motivational Speaking Has Replaced Biblical Preaching:
*We Need Revival.*

At A Time When You Really Cannot Differentiate Between A Daughter Of Zion And An Harlot:
*We Need Revival.*

At A Time When Pastors Kill Each Other For Posting And Higher Position:
*We Need Revival.*

At A Time When Modern Preachers Now Tell Us That JESUS Is Not Coming Soon:
*We Need Revival.*

At A Time When PAINTING, ATTACHMENT And JEWELERIES Have Replaced The Beauty Of God's Glory:
*We Need Revival.*

At A Time When Sexual Sin Is Referred To As Weakness And The Grace Of God Is Taken For Granted:
*We Need Revival.*

At A Time When Prophets Prophesy; Using Demonic Powers As Livelihood:
*We Need Revival.*

At A Time When The Church Does Not Know The Difference Between Witchcraft Spirit And The Holy Spirit:
*We Need Revival.*

At A Time When Filling The Seats In Our Place Of Worship Has Become A Priority; And Raising Of Funds Than Raising Disciples Of Jesus:
*We Need Revival.*

At A Time When Sinners Feel Comfortable In Our Churches And Saints Feel No Sense Of Urgency To Preach The Good News To The Lost:
*We Need Revival.*

At A Time When Pastors Are More Concerned About How Much Money Members Give Than How Much The Members Truly Love The LORD:
*We Need Revival.*

At A Time When The Word Of God Is Scarce And The Fire On The Altar Is Going Out, And The Priests Have Become Blind, The Watchmen Sleeping, And Holiness Is No Longer Our Standard:
*We Need Revival.*

We Need Revival, Not A Programme.
We Need Reawakening Of Our Souls And A New Awareness Of The Power Of God.

We Do Not Need Another Jamboree, But True Repentance Coupled With A Changed Life.

We Do Not Need Another Noise, We Need A Shaking And A Mighty Rushing Wind Of The Holy Spirit.

We Do Not Need Another Movement, We Need A Reformation.
We Need The Lord To Come Again And Restore Us Unto Himself.
We Need The Lord To Open Our Eyes Again That We May See Him.
We Want To See His Holiness Again That We May See Our Depravity.

We Need A Genuine Outpouring Of The Holy Spirit, We Are Tired Of Speaking In Tongues And Not Living Christ-Like.

There Is No Other Desire That We Have Than To Hear Again The Same Voice That Spoke In The Valley Of Dry Bones To Bring Us Back To life. Our Nations Are In Darkness, Yet We Are The Light.

We Cannot Pretend Anymore, We Need To Activate The Power Of Holy Ghost And He Will Reawaken Us.

He Will Revive Us Again Because We Do Not See Our Signs And Wonders As Done By The Apostles Of JESUS.
There Are Only Few JESUS' Prophets In Churches, Some Are Not Even Recognized.

Let Us Pray That God Should Have Mercy Upon Us! And Revive Us Again!

Let Revival Hit The Earth In These Last Days.

Monday 1 May 2017



My Father's Picture

Whether I am educated or not, when I see my father's picture I will definitely know/recognize him as my father.

Thursday 27 April 2017


I am just not too comfortable with too many posts that make Christians look helpless before the devil.
Prayer points like:"anybody trying to hide your destiny, anybody who say you will not succeed must die,who soever is manipulating your stars,should go mad.and many more such like prayer that make people suspect someone somewhere is doing them.
I want to state here that this is not the gospel. It rather make people live in fear and cannot live a dominion life made possible for us in Christ. You cannot continue your Christian life on this kind of feeding bottle, daycare christian experience.
Pastors should stop making church folks enemy conscious instead of teaching them about their authority in christ.
come you are bigger than this.
Do you know what you carry inside you?the Greater one.
Have you ever heard this?"no weapon form against you shall prosper... "
"There's no enchantment against...... Nor any divination against....."
The enemy is not your problem, you are their problem.
Where we are seated is far above principalities and powers.
You are more than conqueror.
Stop fasting for freedom, channel that fasting to soul winning,personal Faith development and fellowship with the Holy Spirit, getting to know Him better.Fast and pray for souls tobe saved and  expansion of God's kingdom.
Stay long in the truth and liberate your mind from wrong mentality.
You are the light of the world,that light shines in darkness.... So how can wicked works of darkness come close to light.
We only have defeated enemy, who also knows he is helpless before us,the devil.
Nobody is your enemy, those supposing enemies, some folks pray against to die are supposed tobe souls we are supposed to pray for their salvation.
So many agents of darkness who worked wickedness for Satan before,so many of them are pastors today preaching the gospel.So if die by fire prayer had killed them,how will they be useful to the kingdom today.
All these die,die,prayer is not making Christians walk in love towards the lost.
Nobody can block your destiny, nobody can hide your star.what you carry is more powerful than what the over all master devil claim to have,let alone what is in all these small apprentice demons.
The church is not and cannot be helpless before a man who was defeated more than 2000yrs ago.
The gates of hell cannot, cannot, cannot prevail against the church.
Let us teach people the Truth.