Thursday 27 April 2017


I am just not too comfortable with too many posts that make Christians look helpless before the devil.
Prayer points like:"anybody trying to hide your destiny, anybody who say you will not succeed must die,who soever is manipulating your stars,should go mad.and many more such like prayer that make people suspect someone somewhere is doing them.
I want to state here that this is not the gospel. It rather make people live in fear and cannot live a dominion life made possible for us in Christ. You cannot continue your Christian life on this kind of feeding bottle, daycare christian experience.
Pastors should stop making church folks enemy conscious instead of teaching them about their authority in christ.
come you are bigger than this.
Do you know what you carry inside you?the Greater one.
Have you ever heard this?"no weapon form against you shall prosper... "
"There's no enchantment against...... Nor any divination against....."
The enemy is not your problem, you are their problem.
Where we are seated is far above principalities and powers.
You are more than conqueror.
Stop fasting for freedom, channel that fasting to soul winning,personal Faith development and fellowship with the Holy Spirit, getting to know Him better.Fast and pray for souls tobe saved and  expansion of God's kingdom.
Stay long in the truth and liberate your mind from wrong mentality.
You are the light of the world,that light shines in darkness.... So how can wicked works of darkness come close to light.
We only have defeated enemy, who also knows he is helpless before us,the devil.
Nobody is your enemy, those supposing enemies, some folks pray against to die are supposed tobe souls we are supposed to pray for their salvation.
So many agents of darkness who worked wickedness for Satan before,so many of them are pastors today preaching the gospel.So if die by fire prayer had killed them,how will they be useful to the kingdom today.
All these die,die,prayer is not making Christians walk in love towards the lost.
Nobody can block your destiny, nobody can hide your star.what you carry is more powerful than what the over all master devil claim to have,let alone what is in all these small apprentice demons.
The church is not and cannot be helpless before a man who was defeated more than 2000yrs ago.
The gates of hell cannot, cannot, cannot prevail against the church.
Let us teach people the Truth.

Wednesday 19 April 2017

My Friend Rainbow

formerly known as Elizabeth Ojiugo Uchegbulam 

Tuesday 18 April 2017

How to Treat People According to Your Nature Not Theirs

Good Morning my friends!
What's Your Nature?

A wise old man was sitting at the river bank.

He saw a cat that had fallen into the river struggling to save itself from drowning.

The man decided to save the cat. He stretched out his hand towards the cat but the cat scratched him. He pulled his hand back in pain.

However, a few minutes later he stretched out his hand again to save the cat, but it scratched him again, and again he pulled his hand back in pain.

A few minutes later he was again trying for the third time!!

A man, who was nearby watching what was happening, yelled out, "O wise man, you have not learned your lesson the first time, nor the second time, and now you are trying to save the cat a third time?"

The wise man paid no heed to that man's scolding, and kept on trying until he managed to save the cat.

He then walked over to the man, and patted his shoulder saying:, "My son... it is in the cat's nature to scratch, and it is in my nature to love and have sympathy. Did you want me to let the cat's nature overcome mine?

Treat  people according to your nature, not according to theirs, no matter what they are like and no matter how numerous their actions that harm you and cause you pain sometimes. And do not pay heed to all the voices that loudly call out to you to leave behind your good qualities merely because the other party is not deserving of your noble actions. So never regret the moments you gave happiness to someone, even if that person did not deserve it.

Jesus treats us according to His nature, just think where we would be if He were to treat us as per our  nature... That is why He saves us in spite of ourselves.

Have a great day everybody!

Sunday 16 April 2017


A man received this message from his neighbour...
"Sorry sir, I have been using your wife day and night when you are not at home, in fact, much more than you do.
I confess this now because I am feeling very guilty. Hope you will accept my sincere apologies."
Immediately after reading the message, the man shot his wife dead.
A few minutes later, he received another message:
"Sorry sir, a spelling mistake...
I meant Wifi. not Wife."

Who is to be blamed here for the wife's death?
The husband or the neighbour who sent in the wrong spelling without editing his message?

Everybody's Time is Never the Same

Friday 14 April 2017

Happy Easter

Happy Easter

Copy of Jisos Onye nzoputa by LeeZee OkeZie

Jisos Onye Nzoputa  (Jesus, the Saviour)
Idiri anyi nma, idighi agbawe (You are good to us and you never change)

Awesome God by LeeZee OkeZie

Without Jesus You Are Nothiing


My name is Vivian. Few months ago, I graduated from the university. On my way back home, i went to the park & got a bus. While waiting for other passengers, I had this strange urge to urinate. It was so  strong that it felt like I was going to mess my dress if I didn't ease myself immediately. I had to leave my seat and look 
for the toilet/ bathroom in the park to ease myself. When I got back, a man had taken over my seat. He
dumped the book I left there on another seat. We argued & argued but it wasn't yielding any result for the man
appeared troublesome from the way he talked. I got tired and gave up. I sat exactly where he dumped my book.
Shortly after, the driver took off. On our way, we had a very terrible accident. The impact from the crash made me faint.

While I was unconscious, I saw myself crying by the road side; then this man in white came to me. I couldn't see his face very well but I remembered all what he said to me while I was still unconscious. When I regained consciousness. I noticed that someone had died in the bus that day; The man who took over my seat was killed by a metal that pierced through his chest. When I realized that I would have been the dead one,


If the ðŸŽºtrumpet sounds today where will you be? If you die without Christ you will regret it.  

The man who died in the passage never knew that journey will be the end of his life.  No body really knows tomorrow. So do not wait for tomorrow. You can make it today.

Jesus is coming soon. 

Repent now. Rev 22:12. 